Camping Group | #1 Camping Blog

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When planning a camping trip one is invariably looking to have fun and looks forward to it with great enthusiasm. A lot of planning goes into it days ahead of the actual camping trip and everyone pools in their resources and ideas to make their camping trip as enjoyable as possible. The group that is planning to go on the camp together should be one that enjoys being in each other’s company and should have a lot of common interests.

Planning a camping trip

Camping trips are usually planned along with family and close friends. Now that you have your list of participants, get together to discuss various activities that you will have during your camping trip. Each one will definitely have a lot of inputs to give and make the whole trip much more exciting and enjoyable.

Games are an important part of camping. Make sure you take along several indoor and out door games. Out door games can be ball games and musical ones where everyone can participate. Bring along a musical instrument like a guitar or bongo drums to make the evenings entertainment around the camp fire. Indoor games like cards, scrabble, chess and many others will help just in case the rains upset your out door activities.

Get to know the talents of the camping group and you could have a talent show at your camp. Make a list of all the activities and games that you can have on your camping trip and carry what you need for it.

A radio, iPod or MP3 player or any other music provider can enliven the trip too.

Kids should have fun too

If you have kids on the trip make sure that you keep them occupied all the time so that they do not get bored. For this you will have to take along games which they would like to play, books for them to read while they are in the tent or not doing something active, painting equipment and enough snacks to munch one. Kids are generally very innovative and can find things to amuse themselves, but you can plan a few things ahead for them too.

Plan easy to cook menus

Food is a very important aspect of camping and an empty stomach is definitely no fun at all. However, you cannot spend most of your time cooking at camp, so plan and carry as much as you can to make things easier for cooking. Pre cooked food is always time saving. Plan on using the camp fire for roasting or grilling your food! A camp fire meal can be most enjoyable. If you want vegetables or salads, cut them up at home before your leave for the camp. You will save a lot of time doing these mundane things instead of enjoying yourself at the camp. Even the meats should be cleaned cut and marinated at home. Raw meats could prove to be a bit dicey, so ensure the quality of the food that you carry is fresh.

Keep the weather in mind while packing

It is no fun to freeze in the cold or bake in the heat with improper clothing and shelter. So it is better to keep the weather chart in mind and pack accordingly so that you have comfortable wear and bedding.