
  • How To Keep Mice Out Of Camper In Five Simple Steps – Get camping wild

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    Rodent infestation is probably the second most damaging thing that can happen to your camper after a water leak. A highly unpleasant situation is created that can simply ruin your entire trip. Mice can not only chew on any electrical wires causing failures but they leave behind a huge while they’re at it. A whole lot of mess is created which is quite difficult to clean afterwards. Not to mention the frantic behaviour of women after finding mice on site.

    ​Recalling my first summer, I distinctly remember opening my RV up and finding mice droppings everywhere. It took me a lot of time to get the camper cleaned up. That was the first time I wondered about ways in which I could avoid this mice situation in the camper.

    Since then I have paid close attention to anyone handles mice issues with their unique solutions. In my opinion, there are a few effective ways but not a singular magical solution for mice. There are certain methods that work really well for one person but not as effectively for another.

    ​You can trial and test these five simple methods to relieve yourself from this issue. Whichever, method works best for your personalized situation; you can stick with that one. Here are five simple tips and tricks that can help you battle these furry camp wreckers for good

    ​The very first step requires you to detect the problem at hand. You need to find the holes first. The sooner you detect the problem; easier it will be for you to solve the issue.

    After finding mice in your camper, you need to instantly look for hole in your camper. Don’t just over look things as these holes can be surprisingly small. You will really have to scan through the entire place. Keep in mind that mice have the ability to fit through any dime sized hole that can lead them outside your RV. The best time to check for holes is during the day. Broad daylight will allow you great advantage and it’s unlikely for you to miss out on any.

    · Start by opening up the cabinets. Pay special focus on the drawers.

    · Look for any light coming from outside.

    · It’s highly important for you to check the floor runners along with the dash area as well.

    · If you find any light shining through, you will have to secure those areas.

    · In the case of larger holes, you can make use of wire mesh (thinly laced) to prevent the mice from entering.

    · In the case of smaller holes that a mouse simply cannot fit in, don’t ignore them as these can be made into larger ones. You have to secure these anyway as well. Mice can be quite crafty in creating holes. You can make use of foam or caulk for sealing the hole easily.

    ​During the process of finding holes, the regular openings to going outside should have some temporary blockage as well. This includes your water lines and sewer lines. This will help keep mice along with any other critter from entering through these areas.

    ​2. Peppermint/Mothballs

    ​In a worsened case, where you simply cannot secure the holes, it’s highly important for you to ensure a horrible environment for the little invaders after they enter inside. Using peppermint oil along with mothballs are conventional methods used by campers to keep mice out. You can try both out to determine which works best for you.

    ​In my opinion, mothballs are fairly effective. I had relatively fewer mice compared to what I’d normally have to face. However, I noticed a few mice had found their way into the camper.

    On the other hand, peppermint oil appears to be the best yet in terms of keeping most rodents out. Peppermint oil is known for scaring these rodents away. However, most people confuse peppermint oil with peppermint extract. Peppermint extract is only used for cooking patties and ice cream while peppermint oil can be found at food stores in the section for essential oils.

    Making sure you have the type of peppermint is critical for keeping mice out of the camper.

    ​3. Use a Trap Outside

    ​Many people living in motor-homes appear to use a five gallon bucket trap for mice outside their campers. The basic function of the five gallon bucket is to attract the rodents prior to getting inside the camper.

    You can set up a bucket trap of 5-gallon. You are needed to drill holes at both sides of 5-gallon bucket. Make sure the hoes are big enough for placing a PVC pipe straight through. Moreover, the holes should have enough space for the pipe to rotate. At the bottom, you can place the bait for the mice. For the bait, you can make use of something cheap such as peanut butter.

    Make sure to frequently check on the bucket for mice. If you find many mice in one trap then you can start using more traps outside the camper.

    4. Keep Food Out​

    ​Having food inside your camper is an open invitation for mice. You need to make sure that there is no food stored in any of the cabinets before securing the camper for winter.

    The next thing you are required to do is to clean all the areas of your camper. You need to look for any crack or crevice to ensure that there is no food debris left behind. This is critical in the case of small children on board. Kids are likely to hide their food in odd places.

    5. Place Traps Inside​

    Human Mouse Trap Via /

    ​Placing the traps inside the camper is probably the last step for you to do. People generally dislike doing this as you have to clean the traps up afterward

    If you’re looking to avoid cleaning dead mice up then you can make use of live traps. In the case of live traps, you will have to frequently check up on the traps so that you can avoid killing the mice.

    These live traps are also referred to as “humane” mousetraps. These are effective as they allow mice to enter but don’t have any room for them to leave. The only problem you might face is finding something to do with the live mice as there is a huge chance of them coming back in once you let them outside.

    6.Other possible options​


    Other possible options include using D-con (chemical poison for rodents) or ultrasonic repellent made specifically for rodents. Personally, these are not the best options out there and appear to have little impact on the rodents but you can give them a try.

    These methods are trial and tested for keeping mice out of the camper. Finding the holes and covering them up initially has been my personal favourite.​

    Have you tried any of these? Which one has worked most effectively, in your opinion? Do you have any new ways to keeping mice out of the camper? Don’t hesitate to share. Happy Camping!​

  • Camping With Kids Checklist –

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    Have you ever taken your kids on a camping trip? What was your experience? Would you do it again? What tips would you give to mothers who might be planning to take their kids on a camping trip? Did you make a checklist before heading out on your vacation?

    As a parent, there are a million and one reasons why making a checklist is necessary when you are going camping with your children. For parents who are taking their kids on their first camping trip,

    I highly recommend you make a checklist to avoid unnecessary troubles and here’s a great tip for anyone that is planning a camping trip with their children, remember the 3 P’s- plan, patient and prepare. These are a million and one reasons why you need a camping with kid’s checklist….


    ​Why checklists are helpful

    Checklists can make or break a camping trip. As a parent, you can relate when I say, those things get complicated when children are involved. When you have a game plan everybody is in the same page which helps avoid uncomfortable situations such as arguments, tantrums, misunderstandings, etc.

    A checklist will provide you with sanity that is very much needed when backpacking. They will help you organize your personal belongings, camping supplies, cookware, essentials, and extras.

    ​Keeping them busy

    Be ready to keep them engaged and active. We all know how kids can be when they don’t get their way. Children don’t appreciate nature like we do, they won’t like sitting around they like to be active.

    Planning some game and camping activities are very much needed if both the parents and children want to keep their sanity. Some games that you can play with your kids are bingo, UNO, goldfish or even just blowing bubbles can be a great way to keep kids active while having fun. 

    ​Camping meals, snacks and favorite foods

    Usually kids will have their favorite snacks or foods at home and some kids are just picky and won’t eat just anything. Take into consideration their likes and dislikes. Make sure to include your children’s favorite foods, snacks and meals on the camping with your kid’s checklist.

    ​Camping safety supplies

    If you are taking children in the ages 2-9 years old, it is suggested they carry their own whistle and flashlight for safety precautions. Since kids like to be active they are more than likely going to get cuts, scrapes and burns.

    Make sure you include the first aid kit which should have:

    • Hydrogen peroxide
    • Antiseptic spray or ointment
    • Burning cream or aloe Vera
    • Eye drops
    • Cloth band aids
    • Plastic bandages
    • Camping tweezers
    • Anti-nausea medicine
    • Oral antihistamine and hydrocortisone cream to avoid infections on camping with your kid’s checklist

    ​Personal camping supplies


    A sleeping bag and a bed sheet or a light cover in warm climate is good to have to cover the sleeping bag and the child can sleep on top of the sheet and a pillow as well.

    A personal backpack or a backpack for school, a hat, glasses, and you can’t go anywhere without your children throwing a tantrum because they don’t have their favorite toy or their security blankets should be included in camping with your kid’s checklist.

    The children can also help by packing their own supplies such as clothes. Children like to be active and change temperatures quickly, they will be hot one minute and cold the next. Seeing that they are always moving around, they will be changing clothes two or three times in a day.

    Pack at least one of every clothing items (bottoms, tops, underwear, socks) Other supplies such as shoes, at least two pairs, a hat always comes in handy, gloves because you never know if it might rain, at least two jackets (one light and one heavy), and rain coat or you can purchase an emergency poncho for only $1 or $2 in the camping with your kid’s checklist.

    Other camping supplies

    Don’t forget to include:

    • toothbrushes,
    • toothpaste,
    • brushes,
    • combs, hair ties,
    • soap,
    • tweezers,
    • nail clippers,
    • safety pins,
    • sunscreen,
    • insect repellant,

    Camping meals


    ​Breakfast meals for kids
    • Omelet in a baggie- add eggs or any ingredients you like and seal the bag, mush all ingredients in the bag until they are well mixed together, place the baggie in boiling water for 10 minutes
    • Breakfast burrito- you will need a large skillet, a spatula and heavy foil. The first thing you do is cook the meats, then cut up onions and peppers, once the eggs are cooked you can shred in the cheese.
    Lunch meals for kids
    • Tacos in a bag- you cut up ingredients the kids like, put them in a bag of chips that has been cut in the middle and dump the ingredients on the chips, shake and enjoy. It’s a very fun and easy recipe that the kids will love.
    Dinner meals for kids
    • Tin foil stew- all you need is heavy duty foil, a large skillet, knife, meat (chicken, beef, pork) a whole cabbage, onion soup mix, diced potatoes, peas or corn, butter, salt and pepper.

    We hope that you like our post. Don’t forget to share it with your friends and do comment if you want to give us any suggestions.

  • Campfire Drinking Games – Top 9 Exciting Games (

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    You must have experienced the awkward moment right at the beginning of every campfire. Moreover, you can relate with the boredom of plain barbecue and flipping burgers in silence. Has the coldness of the night ever made you fall asleep? These situations are an absolute mood kill for any camping trip. However, with these top 9 exciting campfire drinking games, you no longer have to go through the boredom.

    Camping can be so much more than just a hobby thanks to drinking games. Campfire drinking games are the perfect solution to killing boredom. If you’re looking to create a strong bond with your group or simply looking to rekindle the family relations then drinking games can help you in a huge way. You get closer to your friends and family, all the while having lots of fun.

    There are certain classics when it comes to drinking games. However, you have the option of creating mixtures of new version with the classic games. These games allow you to have fun with or without alcohol so even the non-drinkers can participate as well without feeling left out.

    All that you require making your night memorable are some fun people like yourself and affordable drinks. Try these amazing games at your next camping trip.


    1. Beer Pong

    ​This game is particularly famous in colleges. However, the drinking game is perfect for any camping trip.

    • All that you need is a table. Make sure it’s flat or you can simply make use of an extended surface.
    • Gather plastic cups, beer and make some ping-pong balls.

    ​The game can be played in teams of two. However, you have the option of going with a one-on-one technique as well. It really depends on your personal preference. The players are required to prepare ten cups at every end of the flat surface/table. The cups need to be arranged in a pattern similar to bowling pins. All the plastic cups should be filled up halfway with the drink (beer). The players are to be positioned on one side of the surface/table.

    ​By standing on one side, the players will be able to throw the ping-pong balls comfortably in the cups across the table. Every time a player from one team makes the shot, the players from the opposing team must drink up. Each team is allowed two shots. In the case of, both teams making shots, they re-take their turns. The game goes on till one of the teams is able to make the shot in every cup.

    ​2. Alphabet Game

    ​Alphabet game is super fun and an excellent way to get drunk. What you basically require is to around in circles. One player starts with the first alphabet and utters a word and the next one states another word starting with the next alphabet. The game can be made more interesting by having a theme.

    For instance, you can have country names as the theme. You can start with America and then the next player will have to state “America, Bhutan” so on and so forth. This is to be repeated till a person forgets the name of a country. They will then have to miss their turn and take a shot instead.

    3. I Never​

    This game is fairly simple and quite popular with colleges and high schools. All that you need in “I Never” is to make sure that every player has a cup filled with the drink selected for the game. All the players are supposed to gather around the campfire. Each player takes a turn and makes a statement starting with “I never”. Anyone and everyone who have experienced the statement are supposed to take the drink.​

    For instance, if a player states that they have never egged anyone’s house. Anyone who has done so is supposed to take the drink. This is another way of bonding with your group and opening about silly things with ease.​

    ​4. Bocce

    Bocce is a classical campfire drinking game. Interestingly, the team at the furthest distance is supposed to make the drink instead of simply keeping score. The number of shots depends on how close the winning team has gotten in the white ball/ Pallino.

    The game can be turned up a notch and each measurement can be corresponded to drinking. However, once a group get the bocce (ball touches Pallino) the other team has to drink up. The game is usually played with beer but you can mix things up with any drink of your liking.​

    ​5. Cornhole

    Via Allen Bearce

    ​This game is rather similar to the famous, bocce. The game is perfect for getting drunk in the smoothest way possible. The game has simple rules that allow everyone to participate. Moreover, the participants have the option of changing the rules in accordance with their needs. All that you really need is some beer and you have the entire night to enjoy.

    6. Polish Horseshoes​

    Via Mike Weinhold

    Polish horseshoes is amongst the very best drinking games out there. It’s a casual game and quite easy to understand. It has small challenging aspects to it.

    You’re basically required to prepare two poles or sticks, beer and a Frisbee. The game includes two teams. One team is supposed to throw the Frisbee at a time. Every time a team manages to directly hit the bottle off the stick or pole, the team receives three points. Similarly, a group/team will be awarded two points if the bottles are thrown off the pole after getting hit.

    The defending team has the option of gaining a point if they catch the falling bottle. You can play to any number of points as you need.​

    ​7. Water Pong

    Water pong is super fun to play. The best part is that you get to spend time at a river or lake/pond in this game. It works in a similar manner as beer pong but this has to be played in a lake. The game allows you to play without plastic cups as well. All that you need is a light flat surface or table.

    Place the flat surface in the water.The rules are same as beer pong. Water pong will take drinking games to a whole new level.​

    8. Dizzy Bat​

    The dizzy bat game works pretty much for any camping situation. The game offers you two different variations. Each version has its own entertainment value and you can choose.

    One game is in the form of relay. You’re basically supposed to chug a beer bottle followed by spinning at least ten times. After having done with the spinning, you’re supposed to start running back and forth between two designated points. You can tag any player (teammate) and then they’ll have to take your place.

    You have the option of filling up a ball bat with beer and a can. In the case of striking out, you can simply fill it up and go for another try. This adult game is worth playing for everyone.​

    9. Dropsky Drinksky​

    This game requires you to work with a keg but you have the option of playing with cups as well. You’re basically needed to be positioned in a circle of kegs or cups. You are then supposed to throw around a football. Every participant needs to hold beer in order to create additional challenge in the game. If you drop your beer then you’ll have to start running in the middle. This might include chugging a cup as well.

    Next on, you’re supposed to wait for a pass in order to catch the ball. If you are unable to catch the ball then you’ll have to take another try at it. This game can hit you hard so you need to be alert. The game is designed to make you understand how a ball can get anyone drunk.​

    Final Thoughts​

    Drinking and camping is a wonderfully fun combination. Any dull campfire can simply be turned into a whole of excitement with a drinking game. However, in order to keep the spirit alive and to ensure a happy ending, you must make sure to drink with complete responsibility.

    Keep in mind that peer pressure is not forcing you into playing or drinking more. Only you know your sober limit. In order to keep things safe, water can be added to the drinks. There is no need to chug on neat vodkas and beers as you’ll completely ruin the idea of camping, if things get out of hand.​

    No one wants those nasty hangovers. Keep in mind to eat prior to all this drinking. Never panic on the question of drinking games. Know what you want and don’t be afraid to take a stance. These precautions are necessary to control the camping situation.

    Lastly, don’t forget to enjoy these highly memorable games that will last you a lifetime! Happy Camping.​

  • Super Easy Food For Camping To Help You – Getcampingwild

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    Weekend camping with friends and family can be one of the nicest activities that you can do together without spending too much. However, disorganized camping trips can lead to a horrible nightmare for everyone.

    It may seem simple to get your backpacks and head to the campsite anytime, but it should involve careful planning as to what stuff to bring, the weather forecast for the planned camping day, down to the easy food for camping that you will consume during the trip.

    Just like how we are told to pack light when camping, camping food should also be simple, easy and cheap, so that no one in the team gets too tired. Checkout the easy food for camping that you can add to the checklist, to ensure that your next adventure will be much lighter and less tiring.


    Packet Soups and Cereals

    The most economical and practical must-have food to bring are those cup soups and cereals that you can score even from common convenience stores, which only require hot water to prepare.

    These are greatly popular due to availability, quick and easy preparation, easy transportation and less perishable while providing healthy kickoff for the day.

    I personally don’t want to wait for a two-hour breakfast preparation, while my stomach grumbles like crazy. You may be aware that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and being on a camping trip isn’t an excuse not to have a healthy one, yet keeping your options simple.

    Consuming cereals in the morning can definitely boost your much-needed energy for the day while providing you ample nutrition, way beyond just feeling full.

    Canned sausages and beans are ready to eat and are intended for consumption for one person per can. They usually come in easy-open, pull off top lids. These can definitely satisfy your food cravings or even help fill you up during lunch or dinner time, along with some bagels and pita bread.


    Canned beans are filled with calories, fiber, folate, and minerals that would keep you healthy, if consumed moderately. Baked beans provide nutritional values such as calcium, potassium and iron as well, and best to be paired with toast for a balanced source of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein.

    As everyone is aware, canned foods have unbeatable advantages when it comes to storage, stability, little to no preservatives, easy transportation, and its long shelf life

    Energy Bars and Biscuits

    Great tasting energy bars are your best option as asnack while trekking or during breakfast. These wonder bars are known to be high in kilojoules, also known as energy, because of the carbohydrates and protein contents.

    Do you know that energy bars were originally made for athletes? The carbohydrates in every bar are high enough to fuel up muscles and proteins for muscle repair, while being a good source of fiber to help your digestion work better, and relieves hunger while doing an activity, like trekking.

    Make sure to grab plenty of these snacks and slide them to your backpacks so that no one in the group gets hungry during the trip.

    Campfire Pizza and Burgers

    Pizza and burgers are not commonly done on camping trips because they require time-consuming preparation. However, you can always create them ahead of time, and have them wrapped in foils for campfire heating during the evening.


    Burger patties can be cooked ahead of time, put them in buns, along with the garnishing and wrap individually with foils, and store them in Zip Locks. Log-type pizza is a better option to create, than the traditional flat dough pizza, for convenience.

    Simply roll the dough like a cinnamon roll when you’re done putting the sauces and the toppings, and wrap the log in foil, and freeze it.

    When you head to the campsite, the frozen pizza will be thawed out on its own, and should be ready for the campfire flipping during the night. These can be served with roasted potatoes and some pasta if preferred

    Pan Cakes, Eggs, and Omelets in Zip Locks

    Easy food for camping does not mean a no-cook trip, you can definitely cook but will have less fuss. You can create great breakfast meals during the trip while not requiring too much effort in preparation and cooking. You can prepare pancake batters ahead of time, which you can store in Zip Locks, to save you time in mixing when outdoors.

    Aside from pancakes, you can also prepare bags of scrambled eggs and omelets. Make sure to store these bags in your cooler until ready for cooking.

    Pancakes, eggs, and omelets are just great for breakfast, together with cereals and fruits, while sipping your hot coffee, tea or chocolate.

    You can either cook them over an open fire or through a portable cooker that you can purchase from camping stores.

    Campfire Hotdogs on sticks

    Hotdog on a stick is a foolproof, all-time favorite, camping food which is good for all ages, especially to kids. Simply freeze your bag of hotdogs before heading to the campsite, and store the bag in the cooler until ready for dinnertime.

    Although you can simply pan fry the hotdogs, it is definitely more enjoyable to cook them on sticks, over an open fire, together with pineapple chunks and marshmallows.

    You can even allow your kid companions on the trip to cook their own hotdog sticks over the campfire while being supervised by an adult.

    Another option is to roll around crescent rolls around each hot dog, and roast them on the campfire for around ten minutes, or until the dough is cooked, and the hotdog is warm.

    Rice Pouches

    Rahp backpacker

    My day will never be complete if I am not able to eat at least one rice meal, even while camping. For those who are like me, that prefer to have rice for lunch or dinner, these pouches can be your life saver.

    There are boil-in-the-bag rice pouches available at grocery stores, that only requires being dipped for around ten minutes in boiling water. These are less perishable, highly transportable, and definitely, one of the easiest meals to prepare.

    Once cooked, you can transfer the freshly cooked rice on plastic plates, and it with sardines, tuna, or sausages which you can purchase in small tin cans.

    You can also try the gourmet meals in pouches like Smoke Meat and Rice pouches, which offers a complete meal for anyone, minus the preparation hassles. Rice pouches are smart and easy food for camping that you can definitely bring with you.

    While nothing beats the home cooked meals that we usually eat back home, we all know that it is entirely different when we’re preparing food outdoors.

    when we have limited resources to cook a typical meal. With the food suggestions above, cooking can be equally fun, minus the long waiting time, and tiring food preparation.

    It is better to use your time bonding and talking with your group mates during the trip than spending all of it, plus your energy, chopping and cooking while others are going nuts, waiting for the food to be ready.

    The food ideas here will definitely make the food preparation quicker and simpler. Best of all, when you get assigned to prepare the meal for your group, you will be able to carry on with the task in a breeze.

    Is there any food idea in your mind that can be added to the list, or perhaps a meal that you can consider to be an easy food for camping trip?

    Please help other campers to plan their trips better by commenting below. And please do share this post with someone you know that can take advantage of these food ideas.

  • How To Heat A Tent Without Electricity. – Get camping wild

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    It has come across my mind lately about heating tents. What I have found annoying in the past is that there seems to be a lack of alternatives to heating tents. That’s because tents do not have a power source and quite often one has to use their own body heat and the clothes they are wearing to keep themselves warm inside the tent.

    Since I have explored this problem and come up with great solutions, here are the ways how to heat a tent without electricity. Knowing how to do this will make your life inside a tent easier, especially in those long winters where you can freeze to death.


    1. Rock Radiators

    ​If you thought that you would need a campfire in order to keep warm, think again. With this method, you get a rock and place it on the camp fire for several hours. After that, you have to shift the rock away from the fire and let it cool down until it is safe to handle. Then, you can wrap the rock in a towel and take it into your tent where the rock will radiate heat all around the tent.

    The great thing about this method is its simplicity. You don’t have to be a genius to heat a rock up and then place it in a towel to get it into your tent: truck tent, cabin tent, 10 person tent,… . All it requires is a bit of patience and a bit of knowledge of how to heat rocks.

    A general rule for using this technique is that you should use a 15 pound rock to ensure that enough heat is trapped into the rock for as long as possible.

    2. Insulated pads


    Think of insulated pads like floor insulators inside your home. These pads trap heat and help preserve heat without the use of electricity and gas.

    As a person who has used these pads in the past, can I say that these pads are very comfortable and fit right into the tent. All I have to do is put the pads on the floor and then place my sleeping pad on top. Once that this is done, I can sleep well at night without worrying about getting cold.

    One great tip on getting insulated pads is that you want to get pads that cover the whole of your tent. The greater the area, the more heat will radiate throughout the tent. However, if you are on a tight budget, then you should choose a insulated pad that can provide the most warmth per budget.

    3. Gas heaters


    Here’s the great thing about gas heaters – they are incredibly easy to use. Anyone who has used a gas heater before knows that all you need is a gas bottle and a gas heater to achieve as maximum heat as possible.

    The downside is that if you leave the gas heater on all night, then you might end up poisoning everyone inside the tent because of the carbon monoxide that is created from the heater. It is generally recommended that you should leave it for a few minutes before switching it off for the night.

    The other downside is that these gas heaters are not as portable as insulated pads. The gas bottle and the heater itself can weigh lots in gas and metal. However, considering that they are effective at heating a tent with no electricity, this is a fair trade off.

    4. Catalytic heaters


    ​These are similar to gas heaters, instead they are portable. The reason for this is that they are small and compact. Unlike gas heaters, you can store them inside your luggage with ease and they are just as effective as gas heaters themselves.

    The best part of using these catalytic heaters is that there is no fire that is produced from these heaters. That means that there is a less likelihood of your tent being set on fire.

    The downside is that, like gas heaters, the gas will produce poison fumes such as carbon monoxide, which can kill you if you are in an isolated environment. That means that it is better if you leave it on for a few minutes each night before bed.

    5. Campfire stoves


    Believe it or not, there are camp stoves that are designed for keeping your tent warm. Apart from the fact that campfire stoves are designed for cooking food, these stoves are great for keeping the tent as toasty as possible.

    However, not many people that I know are inclined to use a stove because many want to save the gas fuel for actual cooking. That doesn’t mean that campfire stoves are great heat generators. It depends though on how often you want to utilize your campfire stove and whether you care about functionality or not. If you do, then the campfire stoves will make a huge difference in keeping you warm.

    The way that this works is that these campfire stoves can be placed inside the tent and as you are cooking food, the stove will send warmth all around the tent. Plus, many types of these campfire stoves can transport nasty chemical toxins from the fire. That way, your family is as safe as possible.​


    So there you have it. Five ideas that you can try right now to heat your tent to perfection. This has been a great list to prepare because I truly believe that people who read this article will come away with a belief that they have options on how to heat up their tent without electricity. It can be a daunting task without knowing your options for heating up your tent.

    If you have any more enquiries about the ideas that have been presented in this article or you would like to ask more questions about my ideas, then feel free to comment below this article. All customers are welcome and we will answer your enquiries as soon as possible.​

  • The Best Inflatable Lounger For A Relaxing Time – Get camping wild

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    I love inflatable loungers, or airbeds as they are often called as well. They are so soft and colorable that I can just sit in them for hours at a time. Especially when you take them to picnics and concerts, they are incredibly useful. Camping also goes well with these inflatable loungers, as I have found out in the past.

    That being said, here now are the best inflatable loungers that you can choose from. I have come up with some tips as well to help guide you through what you should look for when choosing the best inflatable lounger.


    **Below, you’ll find our more detailed reviews, but you can also click the links above to see current prices or read customer reviews on Amazon.

    Best Inflatable Lounger: Buying Guide.

    Here is what you need to know before you buy a inflatable lounger:

    1. ​What kind of size do you want?

    Via Janet Lackey

    Lets face it, nobody wants to sit on a lounger that is so small that it makes them feel uncomfortable. That’s like some big tall man riding a kid’s bike – they look incredibly awkward on them.

    Choosing the size for your airbed is like choosing clothing. Generally, many manufacturers provide you with a list of sizes that you can choose from. However, if there is doubt, you should generally choose a inflatable lounger that is oversized to ensure that people of all

    2. How portable is that lounger?​

    Via Kimberley Miller

    ​To be quite frank, being able to carry that lounger is a must. You don’t want to have a hard time carrying that lounger with you, especially when you are going hiking for the whole day to get to your destination.

    The general rule here is that you should choose a lounger that is as lightweight as possible. That way, you won’t get tired very often carrying the lounger when it is deflated and in your baggage. I know from experience how tiring it can get carrying my belongings with me on those long trips, so lightweight is a must.

    3. How well constructed is that inflatable lounger?​

    ​This goes into the idea of small details. You might not be able to see that small details when you are online buying the inflatable lounger, but once you have tried out the inflatable lounger, you should get a good idea of how well constructed the lounger is.

    Look out for the seams and the material that the inflatable lounger is made out of. This is important so that you can determine the durability and the performance of the inflatable lounger. The stronger the material of the inflatable lounger, the less likely that you have to keep on buying inflatable loungers as often.

    4. ​How easy it is to inflate the airbed?


    ​If there is anything that I find annoying in the past when it has come to using the inflatable loungers, it has to be the inflating part. How the lounger is inflated can determine whether you are tired or not.

    It should not make a huge difference since inflating is a small part of the inflatable lounger experience. However, if you are inflating the lounger often, the lounger should have inflating mechanisms that make inflating it easier.

    ​Here are some options:

    This can be found in some inflatable lounger packs, but this definitely applies to all. If you want to have an effortless experience, then you should try to find a inflatable lounger that has this kind of air pump. Trust me, this will make life easier.

    It’s great – if you have the time. I generally stay away from bike pumps because they require so much effort to pump air into the lounger. But, they are cheaper than electric motor air pumps. So that’s convenient for people who are buying on the cheap.

    5. ​Do you want your inflatable lounger to have multiple features?

    If you are going to buy an inflatable lounger on the cheap, then you will most likely get one that is basic. Will be only one shape, cannot be rearranged into other types of furniture for example, a bed or a recliner. That’s fine if you are on a tight budget or if you are only interested in sitting on a lounger.

    However, if you do have some cash to blow on a lounger, then definitely consider buying one with multiple functions. I’ve seen some, for example, where there are cup holders on the lounger. I have also seen some where you can change the lounger from a sofa into a bed. You don’t have to go too multifunctional on your spending spree, but at least if you buy one of those loungers, you will have more than one use for them.

    Best Inflatable Lounger: Product Preview

    Now that we have covered the tips, let me introduce some products for you.

    1. Chillbo Baggins 2.0 Inflatable Lounge.​



    • No need for pump.
    • Multifunctional use – can act as a water float.
    • Nylon based design for longeivity.


    • May take a long time to fill the inflatable lounger with air.
    • Can be noisy to sit on.

    For those who care about the color of what you sit on, this inflatable lounger will give you that choice. With around seven to choose from, you will be delighted by the vibrant and clever patterns the designers at Chilibo have come up with.

    In terms of the multifunction capabilities, this lounger can float on water and act as a inflatable raft. That way, you can get have as much fun as possible while you are out there camping. Go on little water expeditions on the lake or take a bit of time fishing for some great snapper.

    With a good money back guarantee, you are guaranteed to have an experience that can be matched by few inflatable loungers.​

    2. Benkii Inflatable Lounger​



    • Lightweight.
    • Full money guarantees.
    • Good choice of colors to choose from.


    • May not be as durable.
    • May deflate very quickly.

    ​Here’s what I love about this airbed – it is a great air sofa. If you are at a concert, or you just want to lie down on a good lounger after a day out from collecting wood for your campfire, then this will do just the trick.

    Not only that, but being a lightweight lounger allows it to be carried without little effort. Plus, the lounger is very easy to inflate. All you need to do is open it up and let the air flow into the lounger. Once that is done, you can close it up and go on to enjoy this lounger.

    Although this lounger can deflate very quickly, depending on how it is used, this lounger is quite a good lounger to have. With multiple colors to choose from, you can make the lounger into your own personal belonging.

    3. Great Home Inflatable Lounger​



    • Can stay inflated for around 5-10 hours.
    • Inflates in less than a minute.
    • Lifetime guarantee.


    • Can break if lounger is scratched on rough surfaces eg. Concrete.

    What I love about this inflatable lounger is that it can stay inflated for a very long time. 5-10 hours inflated is excellent for many airbeds because it shows that this lounger is well designed in terms of keeping air in.

    The inflation time is also something else – it can inflate in less than one minute. That means that you don’t have to waste as much time waiting for this lounger to fill up with air. As soon as you open up this excellent lounger, you can just sit down on this airbed for hours at a time.

    Although this lounger is not very durable on rough surfaces, there is a lifetime guarantee. That means no more need to go buy a new lounger should the lounger break up without you doing something with it such as dragging it on the ground. This makes this this inflatable lounger a good fit for those who want something simple, but effective at making you comfortable.

    4. ChillaX Inflatable Lounger​



    • Comes with carry bag, bottle opener and securing stake.
    • Floats on water.
    • Easy to clean.


    • Can be a bit heavy to carry around.

    ​Here’s an inflatable lounger that has multifunctional capabilities at hand. It has a bottle opener, securing stake and a carry bag. Plus, the fact it floats on water makes this inflatable lounger a social magnet for you and your friends. Enjoying a beer or a good glass of wine is possible with this lounger.

    On the other hand though, this inflatable lounger is cleanable. That’s great when you have to clean up by yourself, because the inflatable lounger helps out with that. So packing up should be a breeze when you are completely done with this lounger for the day.

    Even though it is a bit heavy to carry around, the fact that you can do so many things with this inflatable lounger makes up for that.

    5. MAMBLE Inflatable Lounger



    • Easy to carry.
    • Multifunctional – can act as a beach chair, stretcher, bean bag or air mattress.
    • Thick and durable.


    ​Next time you want to go to the beach or sleep on something comfortable, then you definitely need to get this MAMBLE inflatable lounger. The fact that you can configure this lounger into a stretcher, bean bag style lounger or even as a beach chair is what makes this lounger special.

    Even though it does only come in one size, the fact that it has so many functions to it makes up for that. Being easy to carry, so that you don’t get tired all the time when you are out and about, also makes up for the size.

    Most of all; if you are buying this inflatable lounger, you are getting something that is thick and durable. This means that the lounger is likely to last for a long time and so you get to enjoy it’s multiple functions for years to come.

    6. Inflatable Air Lounger​



    • Two layer, waterproof design.
    • Has small pockets to put little belongings in.
    • Suitable for kids and adults.

    This lounger has got to be one of the most simplistic, yet useful loungers on this list. Not in terms of it’s multifunctional capabilities, but because this lounger is a device that is designed for both adults and kids.

    What makes this possible is that it has a two layer, waterproof design. What that means is that the lounger is easy to clean up and it has a durability that many cheap loungers do not have. You are more likely to get durability with multiple layers, and this lounger does just that.

    Even better, is that this lounger has small pockets to store small items. That makes it perfect for adults when they want to put their keys in some place safe. Kids can also keep little treats in the small pockets when needed. Or they can store their coloring pencils or playing cards.

    This lounger may be a bit simplistic, but this lounger does not provide not that many flaws. For those who are looking for something more sophisticated, then this lounger may not be for you.



    After careful consideration, I have decided to award the MAMBLE air lounger as the best airbed out of this whole list. What impresses me is the multifunctional capabilities and the fact that it has durability and it is easy to carry. Sure, it may come in one size, but that doesn’t matter that much.

    If you disagree with me on the top pick or you want to make an enquiry, then feel free to do so at the bottom of this article in the comments section. I’ll ger back to you as soon as possible. All good comments are welcome.​

  • The Best Backpacking Water Filter For Nice, Clean Water. – Get camping wild

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    Whenever I am in the great outdoors, I have often found that a backpacking water filter is one of the most important things to pack for in backpacking. What I have found over the past few years of using these water filters is that not only is it convenient for you to use when you don’t have any water on you, but I have found out that using a water filter is agreat way to save time and money on the long run when you are out and about.

    That is why I have come up with a list of the best backpacking water filters that you should try out right now.


    **Below, you’ll find our more detailed reviews, but you can also click the links above to see current prices or read customer reviews on Amazon.

    What to look for in getting a backpacking water filter?

    ​Here are some aspects of water filters that you should look at when choosing one.

    ​1. What kind of style of filter do you want?


    ​Which filter that you decide to buy will often depend on your personal choice. Here are some examples of filters that you will come across in your search for a backpacking waterfilter:

    As the name suggests, these filters are designed so that you can squeeze the sachet of water that you have plucked out of a stream of water. That sachet is attached to a small filter lid that will get rid of all of the germs and virus that would be contained in the water of the sachet.

    These types of filters are mainly used in emergency situations where people can drink out of contaminated areas such as rivers or ponds. These kinds of filters are popular because they are compact and they are cheap.

    These are similar to the squeeze water filters except that instead of a sachet, you get a physical bottle to store the contents of the water that you have collected. The only difference between the squeeze water filters and bottle filters is that the bottle filters cannot be used as a straw filter or a gravity filter, whereas the squeeze filter can.

    2. Does your water filter double as a water purifier?

    ​If you are buying the best backpacking water filter, then you might want to check whether your water filter comes with a water purifier. Whereas a water filter gets rid of bacteria and protozoan cysts, purifiers can get rid of viruses.

    It is not always necessary to have a water filter that doubles as a water purifier. That wholly depends on what kind of water sources that you are drinking out of in the first place. That is why it is always great to check whether your backpack water filter doubles as a water purifier for those times when you need to drink out of a questionable source.

    3. How often do you have to replace the parts of the water filter?

    ​This question entirely depends on how often you are planning on using the water filter for. If you are going to be using the water filter for months in an emergency, then it would be best to buy a water filter where you can reuse the filter over and over again and then replace.

    However, if you are going to be using a water filter for only one trip or two, then it may be best to buy a water filter with easily disposable elements. That way, you can save your money and use the filter as long as the backpacking trip lasts. No point in buying a filter that will last forever when realistically you’ll only be using the filter once or twice.

    4. Ultimately, what material do you want your water filter to use?​

    ​When it comes to selecting a backpacking water filter for your next trip, having a water filter that you are comfortable with is a must. Here are some examples of water filters that you should consider before buying one.

    These kinds of filters are one of the cheapest on the market because they cost relatively little to make. The filter is mainly used to get rid of the chlorine taste that you get from some water supplies. That makes the water taste less like chlorine and more like fresh water

    While these are not common in the water filter market, they are useful when you want to get rid of bacteria and viruses from your water. This generally involves using a ultraviolet light to kill all of the pathogens.

    This filter gets rid of sediments in the water to make the water less contaminated. Will not get rid of bacteria and viruses.

    ​The six products that you should try out

    Now that we have covered what you should look for in getting a backpacking water filter, we will now look at some of the best backpacking water filters out there that you can try on your next backpacking trip.

    ​1. Katadyn Vario Water Filter



    • Comes with two filters.
    • Multiple water flow options.
    • Little maintenance required.


    • Bulky in size.
    • Filter can become leaky at times.

    This activated carbon filter is the kind of filter that you should consider fi you want to control the flow of the water that you want. With dual pumping modes being offered, this filter can produce either two quarts of water or one quart of water, depending on how you want to use this fantastic filter.

    What makes this water filter great for those backpacking trips is the two filter that are contained in this water filter pump.

    First, there is the ceramic filter. This is the one that is used when you are drinking from dirty water. This is referred to, by the company, as the longer life option because the filter guarantees that you can drink from dirty, contaminated water in an emergency.

    Second, there is the glass filter. This is when you want to drink from sources other than dirty water. This is best used when you are bringing tapped water from home where you want to get rid of the chlorine taste or you are using water from another source that is clean, but you want to take a precaution just in case.

    Overall, this product makes a very good backpacking water filter with little maintenance required.

    2. Camco 40043 TastePURE Water Filter with Flexible Hose Protector.​



    • Great for multiple users.
    • Can be attached wherever a hose can be attached.
    • Can act as both a purifier and filter.


    • Cannot store water.
    • Pressure of water flow from water filter lessens over time.

    ​If you are going on an RV trip anywhere across the USA or in any other country, it might pay to have a water filter that can be attached to any hose and therefore filter out drinkable water. This Camco filter does just that.

    Primarily an activated carbon filter, the filter comprises of two parts – a 100 micron sediment filter and a high carbon filter. The sediment filter will get rid of bad taste, chlorine or any odors that are contained in the water source. That ensures you that the water you drink at least has a nice, fresh taste to it.

    The high carbon filter on the other hand will make sure that you don’t have any bacterial or fungal growth in the filter over a long period of time. You don’t want to be one of those people who constantly gets sick just because the filter that you are drinking out of is contaminated with bacteria and fungi all the time.

    Most of all, this water filter comes with a hose protector to prevent hose kinking. A great filter to use when you have lots of guests around.

    3. Survivor Filter – Virus Tested Reusable/Cleanable Water Filter.​



    • Lifetime guarantee.
    • Filters are long-lasting.
    • Lightweight.


    • Instructions for the filter can be hard to understand.
    • Person has to use great sucking force to drink the water from the filter system.

    ​This is a filter that is designed for size and for getting filtered water as clean as possible.

    The great aspect of this filter is that the filters themselves are designed to last for a long time. The membrane ultra-filter can last for 100,000 liters; the carbon filters up to 1000 liters and the and the cotton filters can last up to 1000 liters as well. This makes the survivor filter a great addition to a survivor kit or on one of those long backpacking trips.

    To make sure that the filter system will not make your health worse, this filter comes with a mouthpiece to make sure that bacteria stays out of the system. In fact, this filter can screw onto most bottles and canteens, making it a versatile filter to use.

    With a lifetime guarantee and being lightweight itself, this is a good filter to consider.

    4. Etekcity straw purifier.​



    • Lightweight.
    • Can filter out most bacteria borne diseases.
    • Can filter up to 1500 liters of water.


    • Requires a lot of effort to drink water out of the filter system.

    The first of the straw designed filters on this list, this filter is even more impressive when you think about the fact that this straw filter system comes with three filters that can remove waterborne bacteria such as E.coli and cholera etc.

    Not only has it been safety tested, but it has also designed to be as lightweight as possible. This makes the filter greatly suited for long-distance activities such as hiking or backpacking where you need to keep your energy levels high. Also, with the straw filter system being able to deliver about 1500 liters of water, you can drink water out of any water source whether the source is dirty or not.

    Don’t worry if you don’t like the idea of sucking water out of a river or a pond, though. This straw filter system comes with a pouch to store drinking water, a syringe for cleaning the filter and has a longer straw that attaches to the filter system.​

    5. LifeStraw Personal Water Filter.​



    • Requires little maintenance because it has few moving parts.
    • Easy to clean.
    • Great for emergencies.


    • Only suitable for one person.
    • Lifestraw is not designed much else apart from being a survival tool.

    Out of all of the filter systems on this list, this has to be the most popular. This straw filter system has been used by millions of people ever since it was launched in 2005. The main reason for this filter being popular is due to the filter not having any chemicals being used such as iodine or chlorine.

    Since it comes sealed in a bag, this filter is perfect for emergencies. Once opened out of it’s bag, it will filter around 99% of bacteria and parasites.

    Cleaning the filter is also a breeze. All you have to do is blow back into the filter to drain out the dirty water and flush the membranes of the filter.

    6. Sawyer Products Mini Water Filtration System.​



    • Can be used both in survival and recreational situations.
    • Filters up to 100000 gallons of water.
    • Can be used by multiple people.Compact.


    • If using the water bottles, the filter takes time to fill bottles up.

    This is a filter system that is excellent for outdoor activities such as hiking and walking long distances. It is also a great survival tool that can be used in multiple ways such as being used to clean water for cooking purposes etc.

    Since it comes with a drinking pouch, disposable water bottles, hydration packs or the straw can be used on its own; this is a filtration system that can be versatile and suitable to one’s needs. Plus, the small size allows the filter to fit into the palm of one’s hands.

    Cleaning plunger is also provided to allow you to clean this great backpacking water filter.

    Our conclusion.​


    We recommend that you buy the Sawyer product water filter system. Not only can it filter out water for 100000 gallons, but it has a compact and easy to use filtration system.

    If you would like to know more about the products or you would like to leave some questions for us to answer, then feel free to let us know in the comment section below.All questions and enquiries are welcome.​

  • Where Are RTIC Coolers Made? Everything You Need To Know

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    The RTIC coolers are rather new to the scene as the company was established two years back. The business approach of the company is quite unique and RTIC appears to be in direct competition with the leading company, Yeti. In fact, the products are designed to directly compete with the completion in the market based on features while offering the best price in town.

    The company has managed to offer cost effectiveness by removing the distribution channel. By cutting out middle-men between the company and the customer, RTIC has managed to reduce costs.The company clearly relies on sheer quality and word of mouth for advertisement as it’s not marketing via retail. It does not involve in endorsements and sponsorships for sales. You might have seen their hype on social media and their coolers deserve every bit of it.


    Why Choose RTIC Coolers for Camping?


    The company offers rotationally molded coolers that are specifically designed to offer longevity and cold temperature to things kept in them. Moreover, these coolers help protect your food and drinks from creatures in the forest. The coolers offer thick walls of protection and ensure maintenance of your desired temperature. The material offers great defense against high degree of abuse. With RTIC coolers, you really don’t have to worry about long term value, durability, and quality.

    The RTIC coolers do not come in fancy names. The company has kept things honest and simple by naming the hard sided coolers as roto-molded coolers. You can find the hard-sided coolers in a total of three sizes. The larger 65 size is quite impressive.

    The soft sided ones are referred to as SoftPak coolers. These are offered in three sizes as well to suit your needs. Moreover, you can find a compact lunch box in these as well. With additional features as such, your short excursions will be taken care of.

    Compared to competition, RTIC coolers offer you larger sizes with bigger dimensions and additional storage capacity. The quality is at par with the best on the market while the price is very light on the pocket. One-piece seamless manufacturing processes are used to ensure you perfect quality.

    The walls of these coolers are lined with commercial grade polyurethane foams. This is the very best insulation offered in the industry. Moreover, the closed cell foams allow the coolers to prevent air and moisture. The glue like tenacity offered by the foam adds to the general strength of the walls.The ultra-thick insulation included in the rotationally molded coolers creates an indestructible product for you.

    The company claims that their coolers have the capacity to store ice up to ten days. However, this claim is relevant to the external temperature and frequency of usage. But with a guarantee of 10 days, you have your camping covered for sure.

    Where Are RTIC Coolers Made?

    In order to fully trust the company, you need to inform yourself regarding the product. One of the most important and frequently asked questions is, “where are the RTIC coolers made”.

    Considering the company has no retail shop, the question is quite justified. However, RTIC has maintained full disclosure regarding this and allowed the customers complete knowledge regarding the product sourcing and manufacturing. Much like their major competition, RTIC coolers are made in China. Overseas manufacturing allows the company to offer you the best quality and features at the fraction of the market price.

    Where Can I Buy RTIC Coolers From?


    The company does not offer any retail locations. RTIC offers a direct relationship with their consumers via the internet. The internet retailer offers you the best quality to your doorstep. The highly compelling value offered is enhanced with the availability of delivery. Not only do you get the best product at the best price but you save time as well.

    The company is its own importer, retailer, marketer, and brand, all in one. By removing the prices of commercials and ambassadors, the company is able to promote their products free of cost thanks to social media and word of mouth. You are offered every feature available at the very best price.

    In order to purchase your favorite RTIC cooler, you can simply visit the company’s main website. Not only will you be able to access this user-friendly website with ease, but all of your queries will be answered regarding the product and service.

    Moreover, you can find the RTIC coolers on Amazon as well. However, contacting the company directly is always advisable in order to get the best quality without any risks involved. Considering the effective pricing, you really don’t have to worry about purchasing used coolers anymore.

    Final Verdict

    RTIC coolers are your best alternative to the leading companies. Not only will you get great value for your money but the additional features and durability will leave you satisfied. Make the best of your next camping trip with these cost effective solutions

  • The Best Camping Tarp For Camping With Your Friends – Get camping wild

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    When it has come to buying tents over the years, I have always wondered about buying a camping tarp that is easy to set up and can make it possible to camp lightly.

    Since I tried a camping tarp recently, I have found using a camping tarp is a great experience. You feel like someone who is truly in the outdoors and is enjoying a great time.

    So to help others with buying a camping tarp, here I have come up with the best camping tarp that you can try right now for your next camping trip. What to look for when buying a camping tarp?

    Here are the top three considerations that you should think about before buying a tarp. This is the top three considerations I went through before I decided to buy a tarp. This is because as a camper, I need to know what kind of tarp that I want and what do I want my tarp to do. No point in buying a tarp that is not used at all year round.




    Product Dimension

    Our Rate

    Chill Gorilla

    Ripstop Nylon

    16.63 Square Feet


    High density 210D Oxford fabric

    Small (59 x 87 inches)

     Middle(71 x 87 inches) Large(94 x 87 inches)



    0 x 120 x 120 inches


    Water resistant polyester

    Free Soldier

    Polyester 190T checked fabric with waterproof PU coating

    118 x 126 inch


    2210T Dacron

    10FTX 10FT

    **Below, you’ll find our more detailed reviews, but you can also click the links above to see current prices or read customer reviews on Amazon.

    1. Material.

    When it comes to using camping tarps, it is important to choose materials that are not just strong enough to with stand tough conditions, but also are waterproof. You don’t want to end up buying a camping tarp only to get wet instantly once you are underneath.

    Here are some examples of materials that you can think about while looking for the best camping tarp:

    • Nylon
    • Polyester
    • Oxford fabric construction.

    Any three of these are guaranteed to offer great protection against all sorts of weather conditions. This means that you should look for tarps that are made out of strong materials. The stronger the material, the more durable the tarp will be, especially fi the tarp is to be used in the snow or in the summer.

    2. Size.

    Buying a small or large tarp will determine what you can do with the tarp. Larger tarps are more difficult to set up, but these kinds of tarps acts as shelter cover for your belongings. Plus, the larger tarps provide great shelter cover for more than two people.

    Smaller tarps are designed more for the individual than for a large group. You should buy a smaller tarp if you are not planning on going on large trips with your friends and family. That way, less money is wasted and you get as much functionality that you want from a small tarp.

    3. Multifunctional purposes.


    The great thing about tarps on the market today is that the tarps can serve as multiple devices. Tarps can turn into hammocks, storage covers, tent footprints etc. that allows the person to get value for money. That is something that you normally don’t get from many camping items on the market today.

    What kind of multifunctional purposes you want will depend entirely on your pocket. The more expensive the tarp is, the more sophisticated the multifunctional tarp will be. It is best that you look carefully at what you want from a tarp before you buy one.

    List of products that you should try.



    This is a tent tarp that is made out of a specially designed nylon called polyurethane treated nylon. The advantage of this material for this kind of tarp is that it allows the tarp to stay strong in heavy wind conditions such as heavy downpours. Nobody wants their tarp to get ripped apart by a few drops of water, which is why you should consider this tarp.

    Along with the polyurethane treated nylon, this tarp comes with many grommets and hooks that allows you to tack down your tarp properly. Having many grommets and hooks ensures it is secure on the ground.

    The waterproof bag will also make the storage of the tarp easy. In fact, so easy that you can carry it all around with you on not just any camping trip, but on hikes and biking when you are camping out in the bushes. You can set up camp easily this way.

    Most of all, they have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. This means that you can refund thetarp if you are not satisfied. This allows you to try the tarp out risk free, ensuring that youare risking nothing to use the tarp.


    • Made out of a polyurethane nylon for waterproofness.
    • 100% satisfaction guarantee.
    • Comes in it’s own bag.


    • Can come with an unpleasant smell that requires thorough washing to treat thesmell from the tarp.
    OUTAD Waterproof Camping Tarp


    For those who are looking for a tarp that provides choices, you may want to check this OUTAD waterproof camping tarp out. Coming in four sizes and four colors, this camping tarp is suitable for people who are looking for a bit of choice in finding a tarp to use.

    The first thing that one will notice is that the tarp is made out of Oxford fabric construction. What this means is that the fabric of the tarp is made in a way to guarantee waterproofness. Plus, the oxford fabric construction makes sure that the tarp is suitable to be used in the most adverse of conditions.

    Whether it is a heavy downpour or a windy gust, this tarp is designed to with stand all of the force of mother nature. With it’s lightweight design and the variety of choices, this camping tarp can easily double as a tent footprint or even a picnic mat.

    So if your family and friends decide that it is time to have a picnic while you guys are out on a camping walk, all you have to do is take the tarp out and then use the tarp as a picnic blanket. To top it all off, the drawstring bag and the all sorts of sizes will make sure that this camping tarp will be a very useful tarp for the camping season.​


    • Comes in a variety of sizes and colors.
    • Oxford fabric construction for waterproofness and toughness.
    • Comes with a drawstring bag.


    • There are few grommets to ensure that the tarp is secured properly.
    • Grommets are also very small, making it difficult to put ropes and strings through the grommets of the tarp.
    Vigor Waterproof Rainfly 10×10 ft Large Tent Tarp


    This nylon constructed tent tarp has got to be one of the most sophisticated camping tarps on the market today. Not only is the tarp suitable for wet conditions, but this camping tarp is also doubles a sun proof and snow proof camping tarp. This means that this camping device is perfect to be used all year around.

    One of the great things about this tarp is that it is a large size (10×10 ft). This means that you can fit in multiple people along with any other extra belongings that you want sheltered. Cars, pets or grains can also be sheltered with this tarp because of its large size; making it a useful tarp to use all the time.

    I have also some of my friends who have tried this tarp use it as a hammock while on their camping holiday because of the tarp’s huge size. That just goes to show what a versatile and useful tarp this is.

    The great part about this tarp is that it comes with a three-year warranty. This means that if the tarp were to break within a three-year period, then you can get a replacement. Plus, you can call the customer service of Vigor if you have any questions and concerns about using this product in a certain way.​


    • Can be used in winter, summer and in adverse weather conditions.
    • Three year warranty with customer service on hand to help.
    • Can be used in a variety of ways eg. Hammock, storage cover.


    • Grommets can rip apart after only one use. Delicate care needed to set up tarp.
    Kelty Noah’s Tarp Shelter


    ​This is a simple, yet very effective tarp shelter that you should consider if you are looking for a tarp without much fuss.

    First of all, this tarp is made out of polyester. This is a great material, much like the oxfordfabric construction and the nylon material types that we have reviewed so far. Like all the others, the polyester material allows the tarp to be waterproof as well as allow the tarp to be lightweight.

    The tarp’s waterproofness is also aided by the fact that it has sealed seams to prevent water going through the tarp. This makes it great for not just camping, but also for those special events such as boating and backpacking.


    • Made out of polyester for waterproofness. Sealed seams improve waterproofness.
    • Lightweight tarp allows it to be carried without much fuss.
    • Has reinfored out points and adjusted guy lines for easy set up.


    • Does not come with it’s own poles. The poles itself are prone to breaking and bending often.
    FREE SOLDIER Waterproof Portable Tarp


    ​As much as the name suggests that this is a cheap tarp, it is also a tarp that provides great value and great functionality for two people or less. This makes it possible for a couple or a pair of camping friends to have fun with this tarp as much as possible.

    The first thing that makes this tarp stand out is that it is a small sized tarp. Although this is not for those who are planning to bring in as many people as possible to camp with them,this is a tarp that is suitable for those small camping trips where there is no need to bring many items.

    The tarp is very easy to set up, with great grommets and hooks to allow easy set up. That will make sure that you can spend as much time as possible using the best camping tarp that you can use. With the tarp being waterproof, strong and stable, this tarp is great because it acts as a multifunctional tarp. It can be used as a camping mat or a tent footprint. That gives you value for money.


    • Waterproof and able to withstand UV rays.
    • This tarp is multifunctional.
    • Portable.


    • Not suitable for large groups of people.
    • Can have this plastic smell that is not suitable for some individuals.
    Collun 10×10 ft Perfect Rain Fly, Portable Lightweight Foldable Waterproof Rain Tarp


    What I like about this tent is that it has great multifunctional properties. It can act as a great waterproof cloth and comes with four PC scres and PC ropes. That means that you can hang this tarp to a tree or nail it down onto the ground.

    While this tarp is lightweight and portable, it also provides great sun and snow protection. This means that you and your guests are protected from the harshest of conditions. Plus,the lightweight nature of this tarp means that backpacking is a breeze.

    As for the material, the 210T Dacron Enable material has great tear resistant properties, making this tarp one of the strongest on this list in terms of durability.​


    • Comes with four PC screws and ropes for convenience.
    • Made out for 210T Dacron enable for durability.
    • Lightwight and portable.
    ​Who is the winner of this line up?


    The winner of this line up for the best camping tarp has to be the Vigor Waterproof Rainfly10x10 ft Large Tent Tarp. This is a large tarp with the size and the durability that one will need to have a successful camping trip. The multifunctional properties and the fact that it can be used in the rain and snow makes this tarp a great product to buy.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask by leaving a comment down below. We will reply back as soon as possible.​

  • The Best Tent Stake For An Amazing And Excellent Standing Tent

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    Having tent stakes are a great way of keeping your tent upright. The best part is that once you use the right tent stake, you don’t have to worry about using other kinds of tent stakes because the tent stake that you use will keep your tent up for as long as you want.

    That is why I have come up with a guide to tent stakes. We will cover what kind of best tent stakes that you can use on certain surfaces and we will introduce you to different tent stake products.


    Buying guide to tent stakes: which tent stakes are the best for your needs.

    ​Standard round wire stake.

    This stake is perfect for grass surfaces. What you will generally find with these kinds of stakes is that the longer and thicker the stakes are, the stronger the stake will be.

    The main weakness of this stake is that it cannot be stuck in gravel. That is because the stake tends to bend in rock covered surfaces. So use this stake when you are at one of those camping sites where there are lots of patchy grass surfaces.

    Skewer stake

    Skewer stakes are similar to screws. The idea behind this stake is to hold the tent on softer surfaces i.e provides more grip.

    V-shaped stake.

    These are the kinds of stakes that are great in most soils except for rock soils. They are distinctively long so the stake can stay in the ground in soft soils, especially sand.

    Ripple stake.

    This is another stake that is designed for soft soils, but it also works well on gravel surfaces as well.

    Delta Stake

    This is the kind of peg that you want for all conditions. This peg is considered a modern stake because it was only a recently developed stkae, but many campers have said that it is the best stake for all types of surfaces.

    This stake is best for the people who do not have much money to buy any other kind of peg, however other pegs are just as suitable depending on where you go on your camping trips.

    Product reviews.

    Ridgeline 10X Tent Stakes & Bag​


    • Lightweight
    • Durable
    • Easy to pull out


    • Does not stand out from other tent stakes on the market very well.

    This aluminum stake is one of the best stakes on the market if you want to have a stake that does not break every time that you stomp on the stake. This is partly because the aluminium material that it is made out of makes the stake stronger.

    However, it is the y-shaped design of this stake is what makes it such a durable stake. This ensures that the stake will not bend easily and along with the pull cord, makes using this stake easy to use.

    Sportneer 10x Tent Stakes with Reflective Rope and Carrying Pouch, Red​


    • Triangular stake design.
    • Storage pouch included.
    • Stable.


    • Does not stand out from other stakes on the market very well, apart from the triangular design.

    What there is to like about this stake is that it has the triangular shaped design for the body of the stake. What this means is that this stake provides durability and stability just from the v-shaped design of the stake.

    Not only does it come with the pull-out cords and the red color, but there is a storage pouch that can make sure that the stakes are stored properly. No problem with fiddling with different bags just to get the stakes out when you have a dedicated stake pouch to store your stakes.

    All one tech Pack of 12, 7075 Aluminium Outdoors Tent Stakes Pegs​


    • Made out of 7075 aluminium.
    • 7 inches long.


    • Does not stand out from all the other products on the market.

    This is the kind of stake that you want if you want to have a strong and long-lasting stake, but it is lightweight at the same time. This stake is made out of 7075 aluminum, which is one of the lightest aluminums around.

    Plus, the stake is about 7 inches long. Just long enough to put your tent firmly in the ground with this stake.Tent Tools – Unique Propeller Premium Tent Stakes & Bag

    Tent Tools – Unique Propeller Premium Tent Stakes & Bag​


    • Reflective pull out string.
    • 7 inch in length.
    • Anchors in the ground easy.


    • Does not stand up very well in wind.

    These are nice little stakes that are made out of aerospace grade aluminum. Many people who have used this product have said that this is a great product that can hold by itself in the wind and in the desert. This may have to do with the 7 inch stake that allows it to be anchored into the ground easily and pulled out properly using a pull up string.

    The pull up string is also something in itself as well. It is reflective so that you can see them at night. If you have to do something at night and it requires you to step out of your tent, at least you will be able to see the tent stakes while you are out and about while camping at night.

    Tripmas Premium Aluminum Tent Stakes 10 Pack​


    • Eight inches
    • Comes with its own pouch.
    • Aluminum metal.

    Here’s the thing about these eight inch stakes – they are skewer stakes that are perfect for making the most of softer surfaces. Coming in their very own oxford fabric designed pouch, this tent stake has all the strength that you need within a one-ounce stake.

    ​KINGLAKE 6 Pcs 9″ Aluminum Alloy Tent Stakes.


    • Sturdy.
    • Allows ropes up to 4mm dia. Ropes to pass through the stake.
    • 9 inches long.


    • May not fit into bag easily as the stake is 9 inches long.

    These stakes are well made for most surfaces. That’s thanks to the 9 inches in length provided from the stake, which makes the stake very durable and secure at the same time.

    Not only that, the hole in the stake allows ropes that are around 4mm to pass through the stake; making your life easier when it comes to staking out your tent.

    Kungix Tent Stakes Pegs 7” Aluminium Alloy with Reflective Rope 10-Piece​


    • Lifetime guarantee.
    • Half an ounce in weight.
    • Comes with reflective cord.


    • Not very good for sand use.

    With a lifetime guarantee coming along with this product, it is easy to see why this stake is great to use. Not only does it weigh less than half an ounce, but along with the y-shape of the stake, it is strong and stays firm in the ground.

    Not only that, but with the reflective pull-up cord, you will have a great experience with using this aluminum stake.

    GEERTOP 10 Pack 7-in Aluminum Tent Pegs Stakes​


    • Unique crimple design.
    • Comes with own glow in the dark guy ropes.
    • Aluminium adjuster included.

    If there is any kind of stake out there that makes itself stand out through not just the stake itself, but also the color of the rope, then this Geertop stake is the one.

    In terms of design, it has this unique crimping design that makes the stake durable but more stable with the crimple design. It also allows the stake to stay at a light weight, ensuring that your backpack is lightweight as well.

    Comes with an aluminum adjuster as well to adjust rope on the stake properly.Then there is the guy ropes that glow in the dark. They are extremely strong and do not deform as easily as well. Perfect for camping in the outdoors on all kinds of surfaces.

    TNH Outdoors 10X Aluminum Tri-Beam Tent Stakes and Bag​


    • Triangular design.
    • Biodegradable.
    • Comes in a pouch.

    If you are one of those people who cares about the environment, or who cares about sustainability, then this product may be for you. This TNH stake is biodegradable and was created by two scientists who are committed to protecting the environment.

    As for the stakes itself, it’s triangular design ensures that the stakes are strong while not breaking up the ground because it stays in the ground for a long time. Comes in it’s own biodegradable pouch.

    ​Tripmas Ultralight 7075 Aluminum Tent Stakes Rhombic Tent Pegs with Pull Cords & Pouch, 10 Pack


    • Full money back guarantee.
    • Half an ounce in weight.
    • Comes in it’s own oxford style pouch


    • Can sometimes bend very easily.

    ​Coming in at about five different versions of this same product, this tent stake pack is extremely light at about half an ounce and it is made out of great 7075 aluminum grade metal.

    Plus with full money back guarantee, this tent stake pack is guaranteed to last long due to the anodization treatment that it has gone through to ensure that the stake will last for a long time in the ground.


    Buying tent stakes can be an insignificant, but tough job. Depending on how you camp, getting tent stakes which can help with keeping your tent in place can be a hard job. That’s why this guide is designed for – to make the lives of tent stake buyers easier.

    We hope that you have enjoyed this article and we look forward to hearing from you again. Leave a message below and we’ll get back to you. All enquiries are welcome.​